Monday, July 10, 2017



Have you ever considered wellness and fitness? Want to get paid to work out or for living a healthier life? Or even better....Want to help change others lives?

Now accepting 5 applicants to mentor for myNEW Coach Internship If you have been looking for a opportunity to make a positive change in your fitness, your relationships, and your financial situation then continue reading below...

If you're looking for:

More meaningful work
Unlimited income opportunity
Rewards & Recognition
Accountability for your own fitness goals
PT work from home
This is the opportunity for YOU!!!

Do you have a burning desire in your gut to INSPIRE? Are you passionate about leading a maximized life?
This is perfect for:

New college students & graduates
Stay at home moms & dads
who are looking for work
Military personel

Want to meet great new people and help others achieve fitness goals all while earning Great income and staying accountable to your own health and fitness?? Well this is what its about!!

If you are ready to get Fit ðŸ”¹Physically ðŸ”¹Emotionally and ðŸ”¹Financially! I rarely offer this outside my circle.


 Be positive
 Be committed
 Believe that you can succeed
 Have a desire to get healthy/fit
 Be serious about changing your life and others around you.
You do NOT have to be a personal trainer or an expert…You must LOVE taking an interest in people's lives by connecting them with ideas, resources & other people that can help them!

Enrollment is OPEN for my monthly group Are you Ready??? Invite some friends and make sure to fill out the application bellow!!! Or email me at Serious inquiries only please!

Apply Here:

I will be in contact with you within the next 24hrs with all the details.

What are you doing today to be in a much better place tomorrow?

Monday, May 22, 2017


Water retention can be painful and it usually doesn’t look pretty. The truth is, many of us suffer from this condition, if only temporarily.
The usual suspects are a lack of physical activity, poor diet, and medications.
There can also be internal considerations at play, such as thyroid issues, liver disorders, poor circulation, high blood pressure, and heart and kidney problems.

Here Are the 10 Best Remedies for Water Retention

Remedy #1: Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is abundant in, which lowers the sodium levels in the body. As you already know, sodium retains water in the body, so vinegar is excellent in this case. Just add a teaspoon into a glass of water, and drink the remedy twice daily.
You can boost the effectiveness of the drink if you add an extra tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (we recommend this) per glass. You can also soak the feet in a hot bath with vinegar for 10 minutes.
This will soothe the swellings and also treat bad foot odor.
Remedy #2: Dandelion
Researchers have found that dandelion supports the urine production in the body. It also lowers the sodium levels, as it is high in potassium. Dandelion is also rich in magnesium which reduces premenstrual bloating.

You should make organic dandelion tea (we recommend this) several times daily.
You can also use dandelion pills, but make sure you consult your doctor before you take them or start consuming the tea, as dandelion might interfere with certain drugs.
Remedy #3: Cranberry Juice
This juice accelerates the production of urine in the organism and is high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. You should drink a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily, or you can take cranberries in pill form.
Remedy #4: Onion
Onions purify the blood and stimulate the urine production, thus preventing kidney stones. Peel a few onions, add them to 4 cups of water and boil. Add some salt, and drink this remedy three times daily for a few days.
Remedy #5: Parsley
It is one of the most powerful water retention natural remedies. You should add a few teaspoons of dried parsley in a cup of water, and boil. Then, leave it to cool for 10 minutes and drink this tea three times daily.  You can also add some lemon juice to the tea for even better effects.

Remedy #6: Fennel Seeds
This potent diuretic increases the production of urine in the body and supports the ability of the kidneys to process more water and sodium. It prevents toxic buildups in the body and helps digestion.
You should add a teaspoon of fennel seeds in some hot water and boil it. Then, cover the cup and leave it to cool for 10 minutes, strain, and consume this three times daily.
Remedy #7: Epsom Salt
An Epsom salt bath reduces the bloating of the tummy, as well as water retention issues, through a process known as reverse osmosis. This process involves removal of all excess fluids in the body, as well as toxins.
The bath is relaxing, soothing, and calming. All you need to do to enjoy these benefits is to add two cups of Epsom salt in a warm bath and soak in it for 15 minutes. Repeat three times a week.
Remedy #8. Stinging Nettle Root
It efficiently stimulates the urine production and helps in the case of water retention. Just add a teaspoon of nettle root in a cup of warm water, leave it for 10 minutes to cool down, and drink several times daily.
Remedy #9: Lemon Juice
Lemon juice eliminates the excessive fluids from the body, as well as the accumulated waste and toxins. Just add a few of tablespoons of lemon juice in a cup of warm water. You can sweeten with honey. Drink this remedy on a daily basis for several days.
Remedy #10: Essential oils
Essential oils can be of great help in the case of water retention. Aromatherapy stimulates the drainage of fluids by triggering the lymphatic system.
Add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil to a hot bath and soak in it for 10 minutes, three times a week. For best effects, we recommend geranium, cypress, and juniper essential oils.
In case you face water retention issues, we suggest consuming more diuretic foods, such as celery, cucumbers, cabbage, watermelon, bananas, pineapples, and watercress, as they also boost the production of urine.
Also, you can make a powerful essential oil blend to drink in a tea, here’s the recipe: 1 drop of rosemary, 3 drops of geranium, and 2 drops of fennel.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

6 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

For centuries, vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes.

It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems.
The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar.
It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, some of which are supported by science.
This includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes.
Here are 6 health benefits of apple cider vinegar, that are supported by scientific research.

1. High in acetic acid, which has potent biological effects

Vinegar is made in a two-step process, related to how alcohol is made (1).
The first step exposes crushed apples (or apple cider) to yeast, which ferment the sugars and turn them into alcohol.
In the second step, bacteria are added to the alcohol solution, which further ferment the alcohol and turn it into acetic acid… the main active compound in vinegar.
In French, the word “vinegar” actually means “sour wine.”
Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (like Bragg’s) also contains “mother,” strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky, cobweb-like appearance.
This is what it looks like:

Some people believe that the “mother” is responsible for most of the health benefits, although there are currently no studies to support this.
Apple cider vinegar only contains about 3 calories per tablespoon, which is very low.
There are not many vitamins or minerals in it, but it does contain a tiny amount of potassium. Quality apple cider vinegar also contains some amino acids and antioxidants.

Bottom Line: Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugars from apples. This turns them into acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar.

2. Can kill many types of bacteria

Glass Bottle With Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar can help kill pathogens, including bacteria (2).
It has traditionally been used for cleaning and disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts and ear infections.
However, many of these applications have currently not been confirmed by research.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar for wound cleaning over two thousand years ago.
Vinegar has been used as a food preservative, and studies show that it inhibits bacteria (like E. coli) from growing in the food and spoiling it (3456).
If you’re looking for a natural way to preserve your food… then apple cider vinegar could be highly useful.
There have also been anecdotal reports of diluted apple cider vinegar helping with acne when applied on the skin, but I didn’t find any research to confirm this so take it with a grain of salt.
Bottom Line: The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill bacteria and/or prevent them from multiplying and reaching harmful levels. It has a history of use as a disinfectant and natural preservative.

3. Lowers blood sugar levels and fights diabetes

By far the most successful application of vinegar to date, is in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugars, either in the context of insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.
However, elevated blood sugar can also be a problem in people who don’t have diabetes… it is believed to be a major cause of ageing and various chronic diseases.
So, pretty much everyone should benefit from keeping their blood sugar levels stable.
The most effective (and healthiest) way to do that is to avoid refined carbs and sugar, but apple cider vinegar may also have a powerful effect.
Vinegar has been shown to have numerous benefits for insulin function and blood sugar levels:
  • Improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19-34% and significantly lowers blood glucose and insulin responses (7).
  • Reduces blood sugar by 34% when eating 50 grams of white bread (8).
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4% (9).
  • Numerous other studies, in both rats and humans, show that vinegar can increase insulin sensitivity and significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals (101112131415).
For these reasons, vinegar can be useful for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, or those who want to keep their blood sugar levels low to normal for other reasons.
If you’re currently taking blood sugar lowering medications, then check with your doctor before increasing your intake of apple cider vinegar.

Bottom Line: Apple cider vinegar has shown great promise in improving insulin sensitivity and helping to lower blood sugar responses after meals.

4. Helps you lose weight by making you feel full

Overweight Woman Holding a Scale With Thumbs up
Given that vinegar lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, it makes sense that it could help you lose weight.
Several human studies suggest that vinegar can increase satiety, help you eat fewer calories and even lead to actual pounds lost on the scale.
Vinegar along with high-carb meals can increase feelings of fullness and make people eat 200-275 fewer calories for the rest of the day (1617).
By reducing calorie intake, this should translate to reduced weight over time.
A study in obese individuals showed that daily vinegar consumption led to reduced belly fat, waist circumference, lower blood triglycerides and weight loss (18):
  • 15mL (1 tablespoon): Lost 2.6 pounds, or 1.2 kilograms.
  • 30mL (2 tablespoons): Lost 3.7 pounds, or 1.7 kilograms.
However… keep in mind that this study went on for 12 weeks, so the true effects on body weight seem to be rather modest.
That being said, just adding/subtracting single foods or ingredients rarely has a noticeable effect on weight.
It’s the entire diet/lifestyle that counts… you need to combine several effective methods to see results.
Overall, it seems like apple cider vinegar may be useful as a weight loss aid, mainly by promoting satiety and lowering glucose and insulin levels.
But it won’t work any miracles on its own.
Bottom Line: Studies suggest that vinegar can increase feelings of fullness and help people eat fewer calories, which can lead to weight loss.

5. Lowers cholesterol and reduces your risk of heart disease

Female Doctor Smiling With Thumbs Up
Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) is currently the world’s biggest cause of death (19).
It is known that several measurable biological factors are linked to either a decreased or increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Several of these “risk factors” have been shown to be improved by vinegar consumption… but all of the studies were done in rats.
These rat studies showed that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels (2021).
Apple cider vinegar may also contain the antioxidant chlorogenic acid, which has been shown to protect LDL cholesterol particles from becoming oxidized, a crucial step in the heart disease process (2223).
There are also some studies showing that vinegar reduces blood pressure (a major risk factor) in rats (2425).
Unfortunately, what works in animals doesn’t always work in humans.
The only human evidence is an observational study from Harvard showing that women who ate salad dressings with vinegar had a reduced risk of heart disease (26).
But this type of study can only show an association, it can not prove that the vinegar caused anything.

Bottom Line: Several animal studies have shown that vinegar can reduce blood triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure, but this needs to be confirmed in human studies.

6. May have protective effects against cancer

Decanter With Apple Cider Vinegar
Cancer is a terrible disease, characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells.
There is a lot of hype online about the anti-cancer effects of apple cider vinegar.
Some studies have shown that vinegar can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors (27282930)
However, all of the studies on this were done in isolated cells in test tubes, or rats, which proves nothing about what happens in a living, breathing human.
Additionally, most of the studies were done on rice vinegar, not apple cider vinegar.
That being said, some observational studies (which don’t prove anything) have shown that vinegar ingestion is linked to decreased esophageal cancer in China, but increased bladder cancer in Serbia (3132).
Overall… it is possible that apple cider vinegar may help to prevent cancer, but it is definitely premature to make any recommendations based on the current research.
Bottom Line: Some studies in test tubes and rats have shown that rice vinegar can slow the growth of cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Side Effects, Dosage and How to Use it

Woman With Short Hair Holding a Bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar
There are a lot of wild claims about apple cider vinegar on the internet.
Some say that it can increase energy levels and have all sorts of beneficial effects on health.
Unfortunately… many of these claims are not supported by science.
Of course, absence of proof isn’t proof that something isn’t happening and anecdote often ends up becoming supported by science down the line.
That being said, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for more studies, since research on natural health products like these are both few and far between.
From the little evidence available, I think that apple cider vinegar may be useful and is definitely a good candidate for some self-experimentation if you’re interested in it.
At the very least, apple cider vinegar seems to be safe. There are no side effects noted with normal consumption.
The best way to incorporate it into your diet is to use it in your cooking… for salad dressings, homemade mayonnaise and that sort of thing.
Some people also like to dilute it in water and drink it as a beverage. Common dosages range from 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 mL) to 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) per day.
Definitely don’t go above that, because excess consumption may have harmful effects.
It is also possible to take it in pill/tablet form, but I don’t recommend that because a 2005 study showed that the true vinegar content of these supplements was highly questionable (33).
There is also a report of a woman having an apple cider vinegar tablet stuck in her throat, which led to esophageal burns.
It is recommended to use organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “mother.” Bragg’s is by far the most popular option.
Apple cider vinegar also has various other non-health related uses like hair conditioning, skin care, dental care, pet use and as a cleaning agent (to name a few).
These can be highly useful for people who like to keep things as natural and chemical-free as possible.
At the end of the day, apple cider vinegar appears to be very healthy.
It’s not a “miracle” or a “cure-all” like some people seem to believe, but it does clearly have some important health benefits, especially for blood sugar and weight control.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

10 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda

The average American drinks approximately 56 GALLONS of soda a year. Some people even admit to drinking more soda than water each day, or no water at all. Soft drinks are a multi-billion dollar product, and they account for a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States.
With Americans consuming this large amount of soft drinks each year, it becomes important to evaluate how soft drinks can influence a person’s health. With a little research, it becomes clear that even moderate consumption of soda can be dangerous.
  1. The Sugar! – A single can of soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This amount of sugar, especially in liquid form, skyrockets the blood sugar and causes an insulin reaction in the body. Over time, this can lead to diabetes or insulin resistance, not to mention weight gain and other health problems. Soft drink companies are the largest user of sugar in the country.
  2. Phosphoric Acid -Soda contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and can lead to osteoporosis, cavities and bone softening. Phosphoric Acid also interacts with stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking nutrient absorption.
  3. Artificial Sweeteners– In diet sodas, aspartame is used as a substitute for sugar, and can actually be more harmful. It has been linked to almost a hundred different health problems including seizures, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, diabetes, and emotional disorders. It converts to methanol at warm temperatures and methanol breaks down to formaldehyde and formic acid. Diet sodas also increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, which causes belly fat, high blood sugar and raised cholesterol.
  4. Caffeine– Most sodas contain caffeine, which has been linked to certain cancers, breast lumps, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, and other problems.
  5. The Water– The water used in soda is just simple tap water and can contain chemicals like chlorine, fluoride and traces of heavy metals.
  6. Obesity– Harvard researchers have recently positively linked soft drinks to obesity. The study found that 12 year olds who drank soda were more likely to be obese than those who didn’t, and for each serving of soda consumed daily, the risk of obesity increased 1.6 times.
  7. Extra Fructose– Sodas contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, which obviously comes from corn. Most of this corn has been genetically modified, and there are no long term studies showing the safety of genetically modified crops, as genetic modification of crops has only been around since the 1990s. Also, the process of making High Fructose Corn Syrup involves traces of mercury, which causes a variety of long term health problems.
  8. Lack of Nutrients– There is absolutely no nutritional value in soda whatsoever. Not only are there many harmful effects of soda, but there are not even any positive benefits to outweigh them.  Soda is an unnatural substance that harms the body.
  9. Dehydration– Because of the high sugar, sodium and caffeine content in soda, it dehydrates the body and over a long period of time can cause chronic dehydration.
  10. Bad for the teeth– Drinking soda regularly causes plaque to build up on the teeth and can lead to cavities and gum disease.

Friday, February 17, 2017

How to MEASURE progress in your fitness journey!


Is it SOLELY by the number on your scale??? I mean, seriously... IF you KNOW you have been eating healthy food... and working out more than you usually do... and your scale goes up 2lbs, do you really let that TRASH your day and erase all of the HARD WORK and DEDICATION you've put in??? 

Working with FEMALES can be TOUGH!!! So many of us are SOOOOO FIXATED on that damn "ideal" number that we forget to FEEL PROUD of ourselves for waking up early 4 days this week and getting our workout in... or choosing to SKIP the donuts at the office... or walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. All of those LITTLE choices that will end up COMPOUNDING over time and defining your health as a whole. 

Your weight may actually GO UP as you build lean muscle and shed fat! (as seen in the pic below!!!)


Here are just a few others ways to MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS:

- MEASUREMENTS (Take BEFORE measurements of chest, waist, hips, arms, and thighs) *INCHES are far more important than POUNDS!*

- BODY FAT (You can use a scale that has a body fat measurement tools built in it, you can use Calipers, or they even have tests you can have done at the gym... Whatever you choose... be consistent using ONLY that one way to measure)

- HOW DO YOU FEEL? Are you sleeping better, do you have more energy, feeling more positive, happy? (These are ALL results of a healthy diet and regular exercise!!!) 

- HOW DOES YOUR SKIN LOOK? YEP! With a healthy diet, you should even see your skin tone improve and clear!

- HOW DO YOUR CLOTHES FIT? As your body composition changes, you will notice your clothes fit differently! (THIS IS ONE OF MY FAV WAYS to MEASURE MY PROGRESS BECAUSE I LOVE ME SOME SKINNY JEANS!!!)

- A PICTURE SPEAKS A THOUSAND WORDS!!! ((MY ABSOLUTE FAV WAY to MEASURE PROGRESS!!!)) Pleaseeee do yourself a favor and take progress pics!!! (I mean, seriously, PIC below... Need I say more???)

- BETTER, STRONGER, FASTER!!! When it comes to exercise... this is one of the FIRST signs of progress and the EASIEST to MEASURE!!! On day ONE see: 
How many push ups you can do? 
What size weights are you using? 
How far into your workout video can you make it? 
... and then take note as the weeks go by how much BETTER, STRONGER and FASTER YOU BECOME!!! It doesn't take long to see this type of progress!!!

ALL of these contributions should be added together to measure YOUR PROGRESS!!! 

Weight really is JUST A NUMBER... that NO ONE has to know but you!!! 

Don't JIP yourself and forget so CELEBRATE ALL OF THE AREAS of PROGRESS ABOVE!!!

Make it COUNT... and COUNT MORE than JUST POUNDS, Ya hear?!?!