Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Hi fabulous friends!! 
It dawned on me that there are people that know very little about me and have NEVER heard of Beachbody, LLC & Team Beachbody. I feel so confident and certain about sharing public with what has kept me ALIVE for over 5 and a half years.

I'm Sarah, 29 yr young Computer Science student at MIT. I have a strong passion for brain research & cognitive sciences. My college career goal is to be a prominent female in the forefront of Machine Learning and Cybernetics research. I have a strong focus and desire to expand my influence as a Singularitarian, Entrepreneur, International public speaker, and global Leader in the Transhumanist community While keeping my roots firmly planted within the health and fitness industry.

My current passion is bringing awareness on the obesity disease epidemic and the autoimmune neurological inflammation that is linked to it. What are you struggling with? What are you suffering from? Do you know that what ever HELL you are in now there's an enriched life of opportunity for you?

In 2010 I was diagnosed with - Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar disorder - Anxiety - Post Traumatic and Stress Disorder. No brain scans. No medical tests. Yet every facet of human life has a DSM label. I was prescribed 5 different medications in 2011 do you know how terrible I felt on it?

Do you think I would have NOT discovered Team Beachbody and Transhumanism during the years I endured this crap?

Through immense personal development and deep probing of my mind I discovered the psychological blockages that I had. I discovered a self-image/ self-worth issue and commitment phobia which was a result of myopic mental vision. My years have been very tough on me psychologically and physically and very lonely.

I have drastically transformed from then to now. I'm not even done yet. This is a lifestyle change --I'm just getting FIRED UP for a grand metamorphosis!

This is my story. This is what I been through. I'm NOT holding back a thing. Yes I have a wrath for the psychiatric industry. My vision for myself is to know self-worth. Recognize self-value AND to have YOU to realize the same vision. Why spend thousands on medical bills getting into debt leading to death?? Your life has precious value!! Do you recognize your own self-worth and self-value?

My career goal as a coach in this business is to consistently add value and quality health to others through effective altruism and as a global leader in the Transhumanist & DIY movement.

I feel that Beachbody provides the outlet through fitness & nutrition for us to be responsible for our own lives. I decided to join Team Beachbody because I wanted to try Shakeology and improve my overall wellness. I re-joined in October 2017 to be reunited with Shakeology. I am happy I did because I discovered that I do not need prescription pharmaceutical medication to "treat" the mental "illnesses" I was diagnosed with over 6 years ago. I just needed to facilitate wiser better healthier eating habits as a good foundation to support brain health and exercise to boost brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). The greatest benefit and the best feeling from training my core, training my body AND eating REAL FOOD is MENTAL CLARITY. It's improving. Macronutrients has also played a major role too. I can never eat enough healthy fats and drinking my Shakeology daily is a *MUST*.

Wholeheartedly I'm driven by my motive to add value to other people's lives & establish long lasting relationships. I love the confidence I have in sharing my enthusiasm for the fitness programs, my workout of the day & the massive health benefits of Shakeology. I'm very grateful for my supportive Team Beachbody family! My sponsor/upline coach, my success partner and my entire team I have befriended the most REALEST and amazing people. It is because of my Beachbody family that my whole entire mindset has become more business oriented, goal driven, fun, focused, diligent and organized. Their daily support, passion, enthusiasm, accountability, supplements of integrity, commitment, love, motivation, generosity and care for their lives and the lives of others has significantly influenced me in such a tremendous way.

The greatest FEELING of accomplishment that I have is a sense of renewal, self-worth, value, pride, self-love, and gratitude These are big differences to me that I am happy for. More huge, scary goals to achieve all because of:

* World class Fitness
* World class Nutrition
* World class Support (Accountability) from the best coaches, amazing trainers, and the CEO himself Carl Daikeler!!

"The [Beachbody] business is about helping people. That is where the success comes from." – Carl Daikeler

Have you ever considered being a coach with TeamBeachbody?

Coach Tip# We don't receive money because we need it or want it. We receive money as a #RESULT of providing#VALUE to others. We focus more on helping other people achieve their goals. At the heart of every great coach is a firm belief that each person is a uniquely valuable individual with distinct gifts and potential for greatness. It’s truly the best feeling in the world!


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