Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Nutrition in a Nutshell:
1⃣Eating Papa John’s PizzaπŸ• won’t make you a better Football Player🚫🏈
2⃣If the ingredient list sounds like a chemistry chart, skip itπŸ“ˆ
3⃣Choose “Nature’s Food” not “Health Food”☀️🍞
4⃣Gluten Free crap is still crapπŸ’©
5⃣Lean beef doesn’t need to be eliminated from cholesterol-lowering diets
6⃣A candy bar with 30g of protein is still a candy bar🍫
7⃣Organic crap is still crapπŸ’©
8⃣Hydroxycut will not make you look like a Fitness Model🚫πŸ’ͺ🏼
9⃣Except for those poisonous mushrooms, if it comes from the ground🍠, a bush πŸ…or a treeπŸ‹, eat it
We were meant to eat fish🐟, meatπŸ—, eggs🍳, fruitπŸ“, roots🍠 and vegetablesπŸ†. Avoid the packaging, commercial hype and guarantees. Modern technology is great for our communicationπŸ“± and transportationπŸš•but HORRIBLE for our hearts❤️ and waistlinesπŸ™‡πŸΌ.

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